CAC Endorses Sotomayor for Supreme Court
With this letter to Senators Leahy and Sessions, Constitutional Accountability Center formally endorsed Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be an Associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court.
July 18, 2009
Senator Patrick Leahy
Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee
Senator Jeff Sessions
Ranking Member, Senate Judiciary Committee
Dear Senators Leahy and Sessions,
Today, Constitutional Accountability Center, a public interest law firm, think tank and action center dedicated to fulfilling the progressive promise of the Constitution’s text and history, endorses Judge Sonia Sotomayor and urges that she be confirmed promptly as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
Judge Sotomayor is overwhelmingly qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. She has stellar academic credentials and experience as a prosecutor and as a lawyer in private practice, as well as an exemplary 17-year record as a federal trial and appeals court judge. Her lengthy judicial record shows her to be a careful and fair judge who applies the law to the facts and rules in a neutral matter.
Most important, from CAC’s perspective as an organization dedicated to the Constitution’s text and history, Judge Sotomayor told the Senate Judiciary Committee this week that the text of the Constitution is ”the most important aspect of judging. You follow what [the framers] said in their words, and you apply it to the facts you’re looking at.” That is the right answer.
Judge Sonia Sotomayor has demonstrated that she has the qualifications, experience, intellect and temperament to serve with great distinction on the Supreme Court. We urge every senator to support her confirmation.
Doug Kendall
Judith Schaeffer
Vice President