Today in the News, 3.3.09

  • “A wise decision would recognize the threat posed by record-breaking fund-raising for judicial elections — and make clear that judges and justice are not for sale.” The NY Times editors (who have a long history of chiming in on this case) share their thoughts on Caperton v. Massey Coal, which was argued this morning before the Supreme Court. (Check back with Text & History this afternoon for a summary of the oral argument.)
  • “In our view, it’s a straightforward equal-protection issue.” The NY Times reports that the organization Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) is filing a landmark lawsuit in federal court in Boston today, challenging the federal government’s denial of marriage-related benefits and other important protections to legally married same-sex couples via the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). More here.
  • “‘Regretfully, if we are not consulted on, and approve of, a nominee from our states, the Republican Conference will be unable to support moving forward on that nominee,’ the letter stated.” The Hill reports that Senate Republicans have sent President Obama a letter threatening to filibuster his judicial nominees – although not a single nominee has yet been named.
  • “Some say its role is exaggerated. Others say the decision was simply a manipulative power grab by John Marshall.” Promoting his book The Great Decision, Cliff Sloan begins the discussion at Slate Book Club, by asking Supreme Court experts and historians whether Marbury v. Madison is really all its cracked up to be.