Health Care

After the Health Care Decision: The Precedent, Policy, and Politics of Health Care Reform and NFIB v. Sebelius


Tuesday, July 17, 2012
4:00 pm
American Constitution Society


  • Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN), Fifth Congressional District of Tennessee, United States House of Representatives
  • James F. Blumstein, University Professor of Constitutional Law and Health Law & Policy, Director, Health Policy Center, Vanderbilt Law School
  • Elizabeth Wydra, Chief Counsel, Constitutional Accountability Center

The Supreme Court’s landmark decision upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act has resulted in a wave of legal and political commentary, but what should lawyers really know about the health care decision?  This panel featured constitutional law scholars Elizabeth Wydra and Jim Blumstein — who represented amici curiae on both sides of the litigation – and Congressman Jim Cooper. The discussion focused on the decision’s impact on health care reform and the broader legal landscape, along with its implications for health care policy and politics moving forward.

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