CAC’s Elizabeth Wydra discusses FCC v. AT&T decision on Free Speech Radio News


Free Speech Radio News
US Supreme Court rules that corporations are not entitled to a right to personal privacy

NEWS SEGMENTS WED, 03/02/2011 – 13:17
Length: 7:27 minutes (6.82 MB)
Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)

Today the Supreme Court ruled that an anti-gay demonstration by the Westboro Baptist Church at a funeral was legal.  The decision upheld an appeals court ruling that threw out a judgment in favor of the father of a dead Marine, who sued church members after they picketed his son’s funeral.   Albert Snyder’s son Matthew was killed in Iraq in 2006.  Members of the Westboro Baptist Church have picketed a number of military funerals to draw attention to their view that U.S. deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are God’s punishment for the nation’s tolerance of homosexuality.

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court released another decision. In FCC versus AT&T, the court ruled unanimously that corporations are not entitled to claim a right to personal privacy under the Freedom of Information Act.  This could have important implications for the controversial Citizens United ruling that gave corporations the same rights as individuals to donate unlimited funds to political campaigns.  For more we go to Elizabeth Wydra, chief legal counsel with the Constitutional Accountability Center.  She filed legal briefs in both this FCC vs. AT&T case and the Citizens United case