Roberts at 10: Chief Justice Roberts And Big Business
Washington, DC – With important business cases already on the Supreme Court’s docket for the upcoming Term, Constitutional Accountability Center is releasing the latest Snapshot in its “Roberts at 10” series, Roberts at 10: Chief Justice Roberts And Big Business.
Today’s Snapshot captures the overall magnitude of the Roberts Court’s pro-business record, the Chief Justice’s role in the larger story of its business docket, and the effects of the Court’s rulings in business cases on individual Americans.
Read the new “Roberts at 10” Snapshot and an excerpt here:
[T]here are far more examples of the Chief Justice voting for the Chamber’s position in key cases than voting against it, and doing so on a wide range of issues, including workplace discrimination, money-in-politics, access to courts, environmental protection, and drug safety. Furthermore, there are also key examples of Roberts voting for the Chamber’s position in defeat—votes that would have pushed the law in an even more pro-business direction than the Court was willing to go. Indeed, had Roberts gotten his way, the Court would have blocked efforts to address climate change, immunized brand-name drug manufacturers from state failure-to-warn suits, and weakened the Fair Housing Act.
Additional Resources:
* “Roberts at 10” experts available for interviews: CAC Message Director Tom Donnelly, Appellate Counsel Brianne Gorod, and Civil Rights Director David Gans.
* “The Roberts Court Thinks Corporations Have More Rights Than You Do,” David Gans, The New Republic, June 30, 2014:
* Roberts at 10: A Look at the First Decade of John Roberts’s Tenure as Chief Justice (opening Snapshot):
* Roberts at 10: Federal Power: The Evolving Story of John Roberts and Congress’s Commerce Clause and Spending Clause Powers:
* Roberts at 10: Campaign Finance and Voting Rights: Easier to Donate, Harder to Vote:
* Roberts at 10: Roberts’s Quiet, But Critical, Votes To Limit Women’s Rights:
* Roberts at 10: Roberts’s Consistent Votes to Close the Courthouse Doors:
* Roberts at 10: Turning Back the Clock on Protections for Racial Equality:
* Roberts at 10: Roberts’s Environmental Law Record: It’s Not Good, But Don’t Count Him Out:
* Roberts at 10: John Roberts and LGBT Rights – The Jury is Still Out:
* Roberts at 10: Roberts and the Fourth Amendment: A Mostly Pro-Government Vote with Some Important Exceptions:
* Roberts at 10: The Strongest Free Speech Court in History?
Constitutional Accountability Center ( is a think tank, public interest law firm, and action center dedicated to fulfilling the progressive promise of the Constitution’s text and history.