Voting Rights and Democracy

Student Chapter of the Week May 17: New York University School of Law


Friday, May 17, 2013
American Constitution Society

The ACS New York University School of Law Student Chapter, under the guidance of Faculty Advisor Professor Adam Cox, kicked off an exciting and productive spring semester with a talk by Constitutional Accountability Center Chief Counsel Elizabeth Wydra entitled “Shelby County: Is the Voting Rights Act Obsolete?” Ms. Wydra discussed the issues before the Supreme Court in Shelby County, Alabama v. Holder and also talked about her path to CAC. Next, MacArthur Foundation Fellow and University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor Joel Rogers introduced his American Legislative and Issue Campaign Exchange (ALICE) program to NYU students and met for a planning and strategy dinner with the chapter. ACS NYU programming continued in March with a lunchtime conversation between Professors Samuel Issacharoff (NYU) and former White House Counsel Robert Bauer, a Distinguished Scholar in Residence at NYU Law, which gave audience members a glimpse into the demands of the White House’s top legal job. In April, Professor Alex Kreit of the Thomas Jefferson School of Law discussed the law and policy of marijuana legalization in a lecture co-sponsored by the NYU Law Federalist Society.

The chapter’s Legislation Committee remained busy as the semester wrapped up. Notably, the committee finalized plans for an innovative moot court-like ACS Model Legislation Competition, which will be co-sponsored by the NYU Journal of Legislation and Public Policy and rolled out during the 2013-14 academic year.

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