Immigration and Citizenship

RELEASE: Constitutional Values Front and Center in Historic Muslim Travel Ban Arguments

The Supreme Court must determine whether it will repeat past mistakes and place national security fears above the law—or recognize that our government can keep our nation safe while respecting our laws and fundamental values.

WASHINGTON—Following oral arguments in the U.S. Supreme Court today over President Donald Trump’s Muslim travel ban in Trump v. Hawaii, Constitutional Accountability Center President Elizabeth Wydra, who was present for the morning’s proceedings, issued the following reaction:

As counsel for Hawaii explained, the founders were deeply concerned that the immigration laws not be used to exclude followers of a particular faith.

That constitutional value of religious freedom was front and center today, as well as the compelling stories of the individuals directly impacted by this unlawful and discriminatory ban.

The hearing today was historic: The Supreme Court must determine whether it will repeat past mistakes and place national security fears above the law—or recognize that our government can keep our nation safe while respecting our laws and fundamental values.



CAC brief in support of Hawaii on behalf of Members of Congress in Trump v. Hawaii:

“Our Constitution Forbids a Religious Test for Immigration,” David Gans, Take Care, April 19, 2018:

“Trump’s new Muslim travel ban has same old problems,” Elizabeth Wydra, Seattle Times, April 14, 2017:


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